At the suggestion of Richard Cranium, I've decided to expand upon my comment in Egberto Willies's diary today to rebut his claim of concern regarding Secretary Clinton's platform. So:
Let me give you some insight into this Clinton supporter (I obviously can't speak for the others, but I imagine I'm not alone). I want you in my party. I want your ideas to compete with mine for supremacy in Democratic policies. I want you to advocate for all Democratic candidates that you can support. And I want your vote for our nominees.
What I do not want is CT about how Clinton's nomination is a result of a corrupt system or because she rigged the process (not saying you have, but I see it here). And I don't want to see you telling our nominee what policies she should campaign on. That's Hillary Clinton's choice. When you tell her she should adopt BS's policies, I do not hear you expressing concern for Clinton's election chances. I only see continued advocacy for a failed primary candidate in opposition to our party's nominee.
When this election is done. I hope you will be pushing President-Elect Hillary Clinton to adopt whatever policies of Bernie Sanders you support. I might join you in some of those fights.
It is my belief that we should fight like cats and dogs if necessary to achieve what we think is best for the country and the party. But to everything there is a time and a place. And the time for that fight is done until we have chosen from what's in front of us.
You and I do have a choice from now until November on how to improve this country. We have a choice to vote for and support Hillary Clinton or allow the election of perhaps the most despicable human to ever be nominated for the position. After that, we have a myriad of choices on how to improve this country, but until then only one.
I want you (Bernie supporters) by my side in the fight to come, but I will not sit back if you act in opposition to our party's and country's best interests. I cannot abide being stabbed in the side.