The Democratic challenger to one of the most Corrupt Representatives in the US Congress Darrell Issa is the fantastic Fmr. Marine Corps Colonel Douglas Applegate. I have written about the Colonel several times, including here and here. And I am not the only one. But more on that later.
Doug Applegate Rocked California Politics When He Polled Nearly Even With Darrell Issa in the June 7, 2016 PrimaryFor those who don't know Issa, he's one of worst examples of Republicans in Congress. He brought us Benghazi investigations and a number of other "scandals." But despite the fact that Issa is a complete tool and has had numerous run-ins with the law, he has never been elected with less than 60% of the vote.
Until Douglas Applegate ("the Colonel"), no Democrat had ever come close to beating Issa. Yet, in the June 7th California Primary, the Colonel held Issa to under 52% percent in his district for the first time this century. Moreover, the Colonel pulled even with Issa in San Diego County, one of the two counties in this district.
Furthermore, in a June 21st poll, the Colonel is even with Issa throughout the whole district - at 43% for each. This race is definitely winnable if the Colonel gets the support he needs. And it looks like he will . . .
Applegate Raised $130,779 in 41 Days; Outraising the Incumbent by $31KThe Colonel raised only $55,000 in the primary. In contrast, Darrell Issa has raised $651K and outspent Applegate by hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Issa, spent at least $637,148 in the primary, surpassing Applegate by more than 16 to 1.
Yet from May 19, 2016 to June 30, 2016, Colonel Applegate has raised $130,779. That amount is even more impressive when you consider that before the primary on June 7th many, including myself, did not even know who Douglas Applegate was.
Most amazing of all though is that the Colonel has out raised the Incumbent by $31,000. Darrell Issa is not just an incumbent, but is a 7-term incumbent who was the chair of House Oversight Committee. That the Colonel is outraising Issa speaks volumes about his campaign and their ability to win.
Yet, Darrell Issa is the richest Representative in the House, worth approximately 357 MILLION Dollars. And Issa will not sit still and let the Colonel take this seat. Issa told the Colonel and his supporters what it will take to beat him this November just a few weeks ago.
I hope you can get the DNC to spend $8 million to make this an interesting race.
This is why the July Quarterly filing from the Colonel's campaign is great, but we have far to go. I will continue to write about this campaign and I hope you'll check out the Colonel's website.
Please check out some of the other diaries about this campaign, such as from WildLilac who has also written about the Colonel and his campaign events - here and here and here. Also please join our Daily Kos group Ice Ice Issa Elect Applegate the Clean Marine.
Finally, Please contribute $3 to elect the Colonel and defeat Darrell Issa.