I just reached the Baton Rouge PD at 225-389-5247 and I was told that Deray McKesson and the 33 other people arrested have been released. Is this confirmed? Are there press accounts saying this? Has anyone heard the same?
Sunday, Jul 10, 2016 · 7:03:28 AM +00:00 · nkleinI just called (225) 389-5247 again. I reached an officer who said that he had no information on the arrestees. He said that they were held at the jail which is run by the Sheriff's Dept. He gave me the number (225) 358-4009 to call, but it was disconnected.
When I persisted with the officer saying that I was concerned about these people being arrested, the officer said that those arrested, "will be fine" and asked if I was a member of the family. I responded that I was concerned about American citizens being arrested. He said, "American citizens are arrested all over the country all the time." I responded that generally we are told what their charges are.
He again reiterated that they have no information and I should try the Sheriff. When I responded that the Sheriff's line is disconnected, he said that is probably because of all the "crazy calls."
When I asked his name, he hung up on me, despite calling me "Mr. Klein" several times without my giving his name (most likely due to caller id).
Sunday, Jul 10, 2016 · 7:20:39 AM +00:00 · nkleinI called (225) 389-5247 and was told again that the office had no information. I was told to call the Eastside Parish prison. When I asked the phone number, the officer asked me to hold and then hung up. The phone numbers for the prison can be found at that link. I have not reached them yet.
Sunday, Jul 10, 2016 · 7:31:25 AM +00:00 · nkleinI just reached the Eastside Parish prison at (225) 358-4005 (which is their phone number for bonding). I spoke with Deputy "Jones". I was given the following information:
DeRay McKesson and 33 others were arrested and are now "on route" to the Eastside Parish prison. The deputy learned of the transfer in the past "twenty minutes." The protesters are being charged with obstructing the highway.That charge seems drummed up because from DeRay's video it looked like he was on the sidewalk.